The CBD crowd and the sustainability crowd often overlap, so chances are you care about the environment. With climate change fast upon us, something as simple as reusing a soda can make a huge difference.
On top of caring for Mama Earth, nothing screams “I love sparkling CBD soda!” more than decorating your home with decor items made from our iconic cans.
If you enjoy crafts, this is the article for you. We’re going to walk you through some stunning decorations you can make by simply upcycling our cans.
With step-by-step instructions, you, too, can decorate your house with CBD sparkling water!
Table Pendant Lamp
Table pendant lamps are made out of soda can tabs. They’re incredibly unique and make a great centerpiece hanging in the bedroom, living room, or dining room.
The soda can tabs cascade down the lampshade, creating a wavy, 70s feel that is irresistible.
To make a table pendant lamp, the soda can tabs are layered like chain mail and hang from a drum shade. Even better, you can simply glue gun the tabs on. Since they're so lightweight, they won't fall. Plus each layer adds more and more protection from damage.
Be sure to draw straight lines on your shade before you start gluing your tabs down or else you’ll end up with a lopsided lamp!
You need a lot of soda can tabs, so you’ll have to save up from all of our CBD drinks before tackling this project!
Tin Flowers
Tin flowers are the perfect springtime decoration. Spray paint them pale colors to go with a mild palette, or go bright neon if you want them to be the center of attention!
They’re super easy to make - just cut the top off the can and then make vertical slices. Peel the slices back and they’re suddenly petals!
Be sure to wear gardening gloves when handling the sharp metal, and be very careful while cutting it.
Experiment with different widths of petals. You can also alternate long and short petals by slicing horizontally on some petals once you’ve peeled them back.
Paint them after they’re all shaped up and you’re ready for Easter just like that!
Imagine putting your favorite drink on top of the gorgeous packaging that our CBD soda comes in. It’s a bit meta- putting CBD beverages on top of labels of CBD beverages!
Coasters are ridiculously easy to make and will last forever. They’re a great statement piece that everyone will comment on and find joy in.
To make them, carefully cut off the top and bottom of your can. Remember, it’s very sharp!
Next, cut down the can’s seam located by the ingredient list. Now put a decent amount of Silicone on the back of your square and attach it to the center of a 4x4 tile. You can get them for less than a quarter at your local hardware store.
Throw a heavy pile of books on top of the coasters to dry. Paint some glossy varnish on the next day, and voila! You have coasters.
Did you know that you can upcycle aluminum cans into autumn wreaths? Although not the easiest feat, the payoff is worth the effort.
You can use a die cutter, leaf-shaped paper punches, or- if you're feeling ambitious- do it by hand with a leaf template.
First, rinse your cans and cut them into sheets.
Ink the inside of the can with alcohol inks by adding one or two drops of a few fall colors and randomly dabbing with a felt applicator.
Cut your leaves with the method of your choice. Use a small stylus to add leaf veins.
Trace two circles, one big and one small, on cardboard to create the shape of your wreath. Wrap it in orange duct tape.
Apply the leaves with foam mount stickers and you’ve just created a stunning autumn decoration!
Dream this up: you’re sitting outside reading and you hear the gentle tinkling of an aluminum wind chime. It’s a gorgeously subtle sound, and you’re able to customize the chimes all you want. They also shimmer beautifully in the sun!
You need about four empty cans to make a wind chime. Use a mix of our sparkling cbd soda flavors to get an array of different colors.
Cut off the top and bottom of the can. Then cut it down the seam so it can lay flat.
Use a punch of your choice to create the shape you want. A lot of people like butterflies, but your imagination is the limit!
Then use a hole punch to make a hole in the center of your shape.
Thread the chimes on by tying knots beneath them so they stay in place. Make the strands longer towards the center of the piece to create depth.
Attach your completed wind chime to twigs and hang it up!
Final Thoughts
We put a lot of thought into the packaging of our cans, and take pride in how beautiful they are. So imagine your home filled with statement pieces made out of them!
A dazzling table pendant lamp with strings of soda can tabs. Gentle tin flowers. Quirky coasters that people always ask about. A seasonal wreath. Wind chimes to lighten the mood.
All of these home decor items can be made with one trusty ingredient: a CBD soda can!
So next time you go to recycle one of our cans, consider: can you upcycle it instead?