Our Sparkling CBD Cola is far from the first cola product to hit the market. Let's review the highlights of cola's unusual journey from its original form to our favorite modern-day flavor.
Where It All Began
Cola was originally crafted by Georgia pharmacist and retired Colonel John Pemberton. Following several serious injuries in the civil war, Pemberton struggled with an addiction to morphine for many years. This sparked a determination to concoct an affordable, opium-free remedy for common aches and pains. He'd heard of a French innovation known as coca wine, a blend of wine and cocaine marketed openly (and bafflingly) as a “health tonic.” Pemberton's original vision barely differed from the French variety, but his drug-and-alcohol-soda dreams were dashed by the onset of prohibition in 1886. Pemberton then adapted his original recipe into a non-alcoholic blend including carbonated water, coca leaves and kola nuts. Without alcohol, the mixture met the era's standards for commercial sale, despite its continued inclusion of cocaine until the early twentieth century.
In 1886, Pemberton decided he'd reached a winning combination for his “health tonic,” and began visiting local establishments with samples of his recipe. Once the team at Jacobs' Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia had a taste, they quickly agreed to sell it in their store for five cents per serving. In that era, many pharmacies had their own soda fountains and refreshment counters, which provided a social setting for their small-town shoppers and source of additional income.
Building a Brand
Pemberton's claims that the drink was potent remedy for nervous disorders remain dicey at best, but no matter its medicinal value, customers couldn't get enough. Thrilled by the drink's success in his own community, he set out to further popularize the brew with no idea of the fame his creation would one day reach. Pemberton consulted his bookkeeper, Frank M. Robinson, to help him build the new drink's popularity. Robinson decided on the name Coca-Cola and helped increase the drink's distribution to other Atlanta-area pharmacies and restaurants.
Sadly, Pemberton became terminally ill shortly after the brand got started, and he sold off his shares of Coca Cola for $2,300 just before his death in 1888. Renowned businessman Asa Candler took control of the burgeoning business, eventually taking the already profitable brand to unprecedented heights. Business rose very slowly at first until Coca-Cola reached the hands of a local giant in 1894 – candy manufacturer Joseph Biednharn. Biedenharn Candy Company began bottling Coca-Cola that year for widespread distribution – with average sales rates skyrocketing 4,000% by 1900. By 1920, the Coca-Cola company had over a thousand bottling plants in the United States alone, and the enterprise soon expanded overseas to Asian and European markets, gradually rising to dominate the beverage market worldwide.
A New Contender
Meanwhile, as Coca-Cola steadily gained international acclaim, North Carolina drug store owner Caleb Bradham was hard at work on a concoction of his own. Bradham released a similar drink in 1898 as an alleged remedy for dyspepsia, eventually dubbing the drink “Pepsi-Cola.” Just a year after its introduction, Bradham has sold more than 8,000 gallons of syrup.
The Pepsi-Cola brand saw its share of hardship and turnover in the years surrounding America's Great Depression, with ownership eventually reaching the hands of Charles Guth. After several years of struggling to keep the business afloat, Guth offered to sell the brand to the Coca-Cola company in the early 1930s. Coca-Cola's owners didn't think much of Pepsi-Cola's potential and rejected Guth's proposed buyout without so much as a starting bid.
Still undeterred, Guth devoted himself to the cola drink's success, carefully adjusting Bradham's original recipe and the product's marketing. It was Guth who first offered the drink in twelve-ounce portions and lowered Pepsi-Cola's prices, which worked wonders to popularize the brand. After years of Coca-Cola's unrivaled success, Pepsi-Cola reached their level of profits and noteriety, and the brands have battled it out as beverage industry giants ever since.
Mixing Things Up
Recipes for new-and-improved cola products have evolved over more than a century of history, with individual brands adding their own unique twists to the classic flavor. Most cola options include rich flavors and spices like vanilla, caramel, nutmeg and cinnamon. Unfortunately, many modern cola manufacturers don't skimp on additives like caffeine citrate, sucrose and high fructose corn syrup. Admittedly, cola products have contained worse components in the past, but there's no reason to pollute your body with needless toxins when delicious, affordable alternatives exist. Colorado's Best Drinks offers our tasty take on the beloved cola flavor with our Sparkling CBD Cola, with just five all-natural ingredients in each low-calorie BPA-free can. We pride ourselves in offering a natural variety of the classic American soft drink, with carefully measured and tested components for each flavor documented in our certificate of analysis, so you always know exactly what you're drinking.
Step Into This Century With These Five CBD Cola Cocktails!
If you'd like to trade your next night at the bar for a cozy nightcap at home, you're in luck. You can easily make your own adult beverages with any of our delicious sparkling waters and soda flavors - from Sparkling CBD Ginger Ale cocktails to delicious Sparkling CBD Black Cherry Soda drinks.
Colorado’s Best Drinks is proud to offer our carefully crafted twist on the classic American soft drink with our sweet and satisfying Sparkling CBD Cola. Top off your next COVID-approved date night with any of these five delicious Sparkling CBD Cola drink recipes.
Sparkling CBD Cherry Cola Cocktail
Serves: Two
What You'll Need:
- One cup pitted cherries
- Three ounces rum
- One Can Sparkling CBD Cola (OR Sparkling CBD Black Cherry Soda)
How It's Made:
- Add the cup of pitted cherries to a blender.
- Blend cherries until smooth.
- Add rum to cherries, then blend well until rum and cherries have been thoroughly mixed.
- Divide mixture between two glasses, filling each halfway. Then, fill each glass with one half can of Sparkling CBD Cola, substituting Sparkling CBD Black Cherry Soda if preferred.
- Serve and enjoy!
Key Lime Cola Float Cocktails
Serves: One
What You'll Need:
- Two Ounces Dark Rum
- One Scoop Vanilla Ice Cream
- One Lime
- Fresh Mint Leaves
- One Can Sparkling CBD Cola
How It's Made:
- Divide limes into halves.
- Squeeze juice from one half into an empty glass.
- Remove a thin slice for garnish from remaining half, then squeeze remaining portion into glass.
- Add crushed rum and mint leaves (saving some for garnish), then infuse the concoction by lightly swirling.
- Slowly pour one can of Sparkling CBD Cola into glass.
- Once the Cola's foam has receded, add one scoop of vanilla ice cream.
- Garnish cocktail with mint sprigs and lime slice.
- Serve and enjoy!
Creamy Vanilla Cola Cocktails
Serves: Four
What You'll Need:
- Two Cans Sparkling CBD Cola
- 1/4 Cup Half and Half (or Flavored Coffee creamer)
- One Tablespoon Vanilla Syrup
- Ice
How It's Made:
- Fill two glass with ice.
- Add one can of Sparkling CBD Cola to each glass, leaving approximately an inch of free space at top of each.
- Divide half and half and vanilla syrup evenly between both glasses, pouring each slowly.
- Serve and enjoy!
Sparkling CBD Cola Sours
Serves: Two
What You'll Need:
- Two ounces spiced rum
- One ounce amaretto
- Six ounces Cola
- Two ounces lemon juice
- Two orange wedges
- Two pitted cherries
- One Can Sparkling CBD Cola
How It's Made:
- Fill cocktail shaker with ice, then add half of amaretto, rum and lemon juice.
- Shake vigorously until well-blended.
- Strain blend into ice-filled pint glass.
- Repeat first two steps, then pour blend into a second empty glass.
- Top off each glass with Sparkling CBD Cola.
- Add an orange wedge and cherry to each glass for garnish.
- Serve and enjoy!
Long Island Iced CBD
Serves: Two
What You'll Need:
- One can Sparkling CBD Cola
- One half cup sweet and sour mix
- Two tablespoons lime juice
- Two tablespoons lemon juice
- Two tablespoons gin
- Two tablespoons vodka
- Two tablespoons light rum
- Two tablespoons triple sec
- Two tablespoons tequila
- Two tablespoons
- Two to three cups crushed ice
How It's Made:
- Add all ingredients to a large pitcher.
- Stir well until all components are thoroughly blended.
- Add crushed ice to two large glasses, and pour concoction into each.
- Serve and enjoy!
Times Have Changed - But Some Classics Remain
More than a century after its creation, cola remains a favorite of countless soda lovers throughout the world. Our products all contain phytocannabinoid-rich, broad spectrum hemp extract. Every flavor of our hemp-infused sodas, waters and teas are delicious and refreshing. Better yet, each Sparkling CBD soda flavor is vegan, non-GMO, and free of gluten, sodium, and preservatives. If you order a twelve-pack or a forty-eight pack of Colorado's Best Drinks today, we'll bring a case straight to your doorstep - so you can savor our Sparkling CBD beverages from the comfort of your couch.