All of our Sparkling CBD drink flavors are chosen very carefully, and often come to life when we find an ingredient that catches our full attention.
Imagine: a beautiful flower, ranging from red to pink, lavender to white. It’s been used for centuries in ancient medicinal practices, and is just now starting to be studied by science.
Our hibiscus-flavored sparkling CBD beverage was inspired by all of the incredible potential health benefits of hibiscus tea. We figured, why not pay it some homage?
Let’s talk about the magnificent plant behind our hibiscus CBD beverage!
What is hibiscus tea?
Hibiscus tea is made when you steep hibiscus flowers in boiling water. It has a tart yet mild flavor and is pinkish-red in hue.
Other names for this tea include:
- Roselle
- Sour Tea
- Agua de Jamaica
- Sorrel
- Bissap
Hibiscus tea is an herbal tea, not a green tea, so it has no caffeine.
There are over 200 different hibiscus species, but the flower most commonly used for hibiscus tea is Hibiscus sabdariffa.
Hibiscus was domesticated roughly 6,000 years ago in West Africa or Sudan, so hibiscus tea likely originated around that time.
The plant traveled to India, and then North America, in the 1600s. Now it is grown in subtropical and tropical climates worldwide.
As well as being used culinarily and as traditional medicine, it is also cultivated as an ornamental and used in textiles and ropes.
Most importantly, it’s used in our sparkling CBD drinks!
There’s no wonder we wanted to make a CBD drink using hibiscus Between the stunning color, aromatic scent and rich flavor of hibiscus, is it any wonder that we chose it as our latest CBD drink flavor? Our Sparkling CBD Hibiscus Tea pays its dues to this unsuspecting flower by harnessing its perfectly sweet and tart flavors. You don't have to take our word for it - order your own in the Sparkling Shop to try Sparkling CBD Hibiscus Tea for yourself!